The Sights

Here in the south we can offer you a sea of opportunities – from our idyllic museum to our surroundings filled with nature. Are you more of a hiking person? Lucky for you, we are surrounded by mountains and nature. Would you like to sail? Then we’ll gladly get you in contact with the right people. Would you like to spend the night outside of our city? You just ask.

Nanortalik Museum

If you would like to take a look around town, then we’d recommend a trip to the museum. There you would be able to get a lovely snippet of how the town looked back during the colonial period. The museum is largely built as an outdoor museum, where kajaks’, peat huts and umiaks are displayed. Many of the old buildings are also used as exhibition rooms, where history lovers can satiate their appetites.


Are you a lover of nature, then you’ve come to the right place. Nanortalik is really just an isle, so we are surrounded by wonderful mountains just waiting to be explored. We can help you recommend the mountains that suit you the best. In addition, we can get you in contact with the local providers, if you would like to take a longer hike out and about. We also have some easier to hike mountains on our isle, if you’d like a relaxing walk.

Here are a few of the local providers that you can contact, if you’d like to go sailing, have guides or take hikes outside of town:

  • Tasermiut Camp; Through here you can get day-trips, sightseeing or a trip to the hot spirngs – Uunartoq. Most of the trips can last between 1 to 5 hours.
  • Serano Boat Tours; Serano Boat Tours offers you different experiences, whether its whale safari or iceberg sightseeing, as well as trips to Uunartoq and the Tasermiut Fjord.
  • South Greenland Boat Charter 44; With Boat Charter 44 you can go sailing to see icebergs – and maybe get a look at some of the animals that live in the area. They are also the only company in South Greenland with permission to go polar bear sightseeing in Southeast Greenland.
  • NTS Boat Charter; Here you can find a variation of offers in sightseeing around our towns beautiful surroundings.

Apart from the above mentioned providers, there is always a chance to find locals that can give you a ride.

You can also find several different possibilities for accomodation outside of town.

So, if you would like to spend the night outside of town – Then you have a few picks to choose from, and of course, we’ve made it easier for you 😉 

  • Saputit Tasia Guesthouses; The hostel “Hansi” is a quaint little house that you can find in a small settlement within the Tasermiut Fjord – Tasiusaq. Tasiusaqs location gives you ample opportunities to hike in different directions. You can hike towards Kuussuaq, where you can find one of the few forests in Greenland, or maybe you’d prefer to visit one of the several sheep farms around the settlement? You can also take a short or long walk around the nature and see what you can find. 
  • Tasermiut Camp; In addition to sailing, Tasermiut Camp offers opportunities to spend the night out in Tasermiut Fjord. They have different tents in several locations which can be rented. The biggest difference between the hostel “Hansi” and this, is that here, you can also get guided sightseeing, sailing and nights out in the open. 
  • NTS Cabins; NTS also gives you the option to spend the night in their rental cabins by Kuussuaq in Tasermiut Fjord – this is available for both summer and winter.

Of course, you also have the option to bring your own camping equipment and spend the night somewhere in the vicinity – and don’t worry, if you don’t have your own equipment, then you can rent some from f.ex. Tasermiut Camp.

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